NIH: Innovative Research Grant for RTR & FOY
Monarch Media is honored to have received multiple small business innovative research grants (phase 1s and phase 2s) from the National Institutes of Health. Using the subject matter expertise of ETR Associates’ Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion, we developed online eLearning platforms to prepare high school health teachers and community volunteers to teach evidence-based curriculum about sexual health.
Online training offers low cost, easily accessible, skill-based instruction that is needed to meet the growing training demand. The training’s blending of video-based behavior modeling, real classroom simulations, social learning, and frequent practice and assessment opportunities helps teachers develop the key skills necessary to effectively teach challenging and sensitive materials to their students.
These trainings are notable for their innovative approach to teaching behavioral skills (also referred to as social or soft skills), such as “how to answer sensitive questions,” that are not normally taught online, in part because they are much more difficult to teach in an eLearning format than technical skills.
These projects allowed us, not only to design and deploy specialized teacher training but also to conduct extensive research with a control group for comparison. Initial study results show higher than expected user participation and mastery of key concepts.
Click here to see a sample of one of the courses.
For more information see the case study: RTRworks!